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Hearings held for two defendants in the Pike County Circuit Court

Friday, July 12, several defendants entered pleas during the pre-trial portion of their cases, while two defendants were scheduled to have probation revocation hearings before Circuit Court Judge Bryan Chesshir in the Pike County Circuit Court.

Derenzo Preston was charged with aggravated assault on a family or household member and interference with emergency communication in the first degree in August of 2023. Later that same year, Preston plead no contest to the charges and was sentenced to three-years probation, a $1,500 fine and court cost.

Friday, a probation revocation hearing was held because Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Dustin Bissell reported Preston had not met the requirements of his probation.

Since October 16, 2023, Preston has not paid any of the fine that was handed down by the court. He has also been arrested for a misdemeanor crime in Clark County by having contact with a woman that had a order of protection against him.

Following the testimony of Preston and two witnesses for the prosecution, Judge Chesshir revoked Preston’s probation and sentenced him to two-years in the Arkansas Department of Correction.

Brittany Smith of Delight was also scheduled to have a probation revocation hearing, however, Smith left the courtroom and did not return for her hearing.

Judge Chesshir revoked Smith’s bond and a failure to appear warrant was issued for her arrest.

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