Local News

Murfreesboro May City Council Meeting

The Murfreesboro city council has voted to provide one thousand 580 dollars in funding to help the town’s library expand in the former city hall building. The city’s money, approved during Monday’s council meeting, will be paired up with a five thousand dollar donation from the Bainum Foundation to complete the renovation process.

In other business Monday, the council approved the appointment of John Jacks to the zoning commission. The reappointment of Roy Wilson was made to the water commission and Jim Cannon was appointed as a new commissioner.

The council voted to reapply for a fun park grant for the installation of playground equipment while also adopting a resolution that seeks 80/20 grant funding for a sidewalk project that would stretch from the courthouse square to the nursing home.

Outgoing tourism commission chairperson Jean Floyd gave her final report on the tourism activities and council members Jeff Walls and Lewis Gills were appointed to a search committee to help fill an opening on the tourism commission.

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