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Better Beginnings offers families tips to keep children healthy and safe in the summer sun.

Better Beginnings, a program of the Arkansas Department of Human Services Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education focusing on giving children the best quality care, offers families of young children summer safety tips for outdoor play during the hottest time of the year.

“Outdoor play is a year-round activity for young children and is necessary to their development,” said Better Beginnings Program Administrator Kelli Hilburn. “Protecting their skin from sun damage and keeping them hydrated helps them remain healthy and active while allowing them to enjoy all the fun summer has to offer.’

There are four things families can do to keep children safe this summer while playing outside:

  • Use sunscreen and reapply every two hours.
  • Make shade available and encourage your children to play under it.
  • Keep plenty of water readily available and make sure your children are drinking enough.
  • Provide hats and sunglasses for your children to wear.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends doing these things whenever your child is outside – at home or on vacation. Doing so will help prevent certain skin diseases due to sun damage and teaches young children the importance of being safe during extreme weather conditions. More summer and sun safety resources are available to families on the CDC website.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a heat index of over 90 degrees increases the risk of heat stroke, dehydration, heat cramps and heat exhaustion in young children. With the above tips, families can ensure children are safe while playing outdoors this summer.

Community leaders can also play a role in keeping young children safe this summer by providing shade at playgrounds or ensuring water fountains are functional and accessible.

For more safety tips or more about Better Beginnings, follow their social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or visit arbetterbeginnings.com. Sign up for the Better Beginnings Family Buzz to receive updates like this in your inbox each month.

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