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CFO of Howard Memorial Hospital files a complaint due to being underpaid

The Board of Directors of Howard Memorial Hospital held their regular monthly meeting Tuesday. 

CFO Bill Craig reported that he’s been in discussion with United Healthcare’s Medicare Advantage Product relating to the fact that they have been underpaying Howard Memorial Hospital and haven’t been paying according to contract. Craig said he’s been working with United Healthcare back and forth for about six months via email and that United Healthcare realizes that they have been underpaying HMH but hasn’t tried to remedy this situation. Craig stated after speaking with the executive team, that on June 12th he filed a complaint against United Healthcare’s Medicare Advantage Product with the Medicare Part D complaint division. This was based on 31 accounts that Craig analyzed. Craig said that the amount underpaid was in the amount of $250,000 dollars. Craig stated that he is going to give the Medicare Part D complaint division about 45 days and then follow up and see what action needs to be taken.

CEO Debra Wright informed the board that Dr. Lisa Hendrix has been hired and has begun covering shifts in the emergency department and she is seeking a full-time ED position beginning in October. Hendrix has completed the Family Medicine Residency program in Texarkana and has several years’ experience working in hospital emergency departments. Wright also mentioned that she met with Emergency Management Coordinator Roddy Smith Jr., to develop a plan to address the anticipated influx of people to Howard County and the surrounding areas to observe the April 2024 eclipse. Two HMH employees will represent HMH for Disaster Preparedness along with helping develop this plan. 

According to CNO Paula Mitchell’s report there have been 62 Robotic surgeries done at HMH. Mitchell also discussed how successful the health fair went in Dequeen and that they plan to attend the Pine Tree Festival in August.  In conclusion, the board of Directors approved a motion to appoint Dr Gift Eze who will be working in the E.R. All were in favor of the motion. 

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