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Dierks School Board Approves Transfers and New Hires During August Meeting

The Dierks School Board held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, where several key decisions were made regarding student transfers, new hires, and other administrative matters.

During the session, the board approved the transfer of three students to the Kirby School District, one student to the Dequeen School District, and one student from Kirby to Dierks. In addition, the board approved several other motions including the asset removal request, out-of-state travel for the FCA, and a resolution to eliminate school board zones.

Heather Hill Brasel was hired as a speech therapist at a rate of $80 per hour, and Coach Keenan Owens was granted a $200 stipend for his role as Head Golf Coach for the 2024-2025 school year.

JoAnn Walters Elementary Principal Craig Dodson reported a current enrollment of 291 students, noting that 26 students joined the school while 18 left. He also mentioned that the new master schedule is functioning smoothly.

Dodson provided a brief update on recent discussions with the co-op and the new amplified reading materials that have been ordered, emphasizing ongoing improvements and resources being implemented in the school.

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