Local News

Founder of Grace Christian School speaks at Nashville Rotary Meeting

The founder of Grace Christian School, Lisa Hagler was the guest speaker of this week’s Nashville Rotary Club.

Hagler stated Grace Christian School currently has 22 students in kindergarten through 3rd grade. She said they have a 4-day school week and students attend chapel once a week.

Hagler said it took her and her committee over a year to establish the school, hire staff and enroll students. She said the school can accept 16 students per grade and currently has two certified teachers and several volunteers who teach P.E., Art, Music and conduct a Science lab.

Hagler also shared Grace Christian Schools Mission statement, Vision statement and Core values.

Hagler said the tuition per student is $8,000 but state funds cover the majority of that amount if parents use the School Choice option in the Spring.

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