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Hempstead County under a burn ban

Hempstead County Judge Jerry Crane announced Tuesday morning that due to the lack of recent sufficient rainfall and the prospect of continued rapidly dying conditions, the necessity arises to ban all outdoor burning and the discharge of all fireworks in Hempstead County.

Crane reported that an emergency situation exists in Hempstead County and the hazard potential to life and property is such that a ban against outdoor burning and the discharge of all fireworks is hereby declared until such time as the burn ban is lifted.

The burn ban is enforceable through the Hempstead County District Court and citations shall be issued by the Hempstead County Sheriff’s Office, the Arkansas Forestry Commission or any Arkansas Certified Officer. Setting a fire or causing or trying to procure items to start a fire in any forest, brush or other flammable material in violation of this burn ban shall be considered a Class A misdemeanor.

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