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Mayor of Nashville and Howard County Judge hosts meeting with U.S. Congressman and staffers

Mayor Larry Dunaway and Howard County Judge Brent Pinkerton held a meeting with U.S Congressman and his staffers. Those that were in attendance were Gary Dan Futrell of York Gary Autoplex, Congressman Bruce Westerman, District Director of Congressman Westerman Gene Higginbotham, April Campbell of the Arkansas Economic Development Institute, Nashville Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Tim Pinkerton, State Representative Danny Watson, staff members of U.S. Senators Tom Cotton and John Boozman, and Arkansas State Senator Jimmy Hickey.

Mayor Dunaway mentioned to everyone about the closing of Husqvarna that will be happening next year in 2024 and stated that the Local Economic Development Committee has gotten together and is trying to come up with a game plan on how to move forward. Dunaway allowed representatives of the state of Arkansas to share their input on finding a solution. LEDC member Gary Dan Futrell stated that the people in this community need some reassurance. Futrell also stated having representatives from the state and federal level attending the meeting was a good thing and it is going to bring a lot to the community of Nashville so the people can see that they are working moving forward. Congressman Westerman said quote this was a devastating blow to see Husqvarna pull out, but I also know that there’s brighter days down the road.

In conclusion, Judge Pinkerton said quote, “Well I think it speaks volume from the folks we have. It helps a whole lot when we can go back and we can tell people, we had a meeting in Nashville with our 4th District Congressman, with representatives from both of our 2 US Senators, with our two Arkansas Delegates. Y’all came here and that’s going to speak volume.”

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