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Nashville City Council votes to construct 3 t-ball fields at city park

The Nashville City Council has voted to spend $19,000 dollars on construction of three new t-ball fields at the Nashville City Park.  The funding will be used on the labor portion of the project.  Council members voted Monday, 7 to 1, to approve spending the money so the fields can be completed in about a month.  Parks Director Meghan Floyd said park employees could build the fields as their time allows.  She estimated it could take up to four months to complete, if her staff does the work.  With an outside company doing the labor, the fields will likely be complete by the end of September.  The t-ball field project doesn’t include the addition of lighting, but those can be added in the future, if needed.

Also Monday, the city council approved three resolutions requesting liens be placed against property the city has paid to have cleaned up.  The properties are located at 112 Lockesburg Street, at Henderson and Washington Streets, and 718 South Ansley.  The liens will assure the city gets its money back should the properties ever be involved in a transaction.

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