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Nashville native selected as 2024 County Farm Family of the Year recipient

Recently, KMTB and KNAS had the opportunity to speak with Billy Barton who was selected as a 2024 County Farm Family of the Year recipient.

Since 1947, the Arkansas Farm Family of the Year program has helped to recognize outstanding farm families throughout the state.

Barton who graduated from Nashville in 1977, stated that farming started with his grandparents, BJ and Ruby Barton and it became a part of his family.

Barton said that he was about 8 years old when he drove a tractor and he said farming has always been a part of his life.

Barton expressed that being selected for Farm Family of the year was something that he wanted to achieve. 

Barton concluded by giving special recognition to his wife Yolanda Barton and he shared how she held down the farm while he was working in the railroad industry.

Barton along with the other families that were chosen will be visited by a set of judges to determine eight District Farm Families of the Year, which will be announced June 17th. The Arkansas Farm Family of the Year will be announced in December at the Farm Family of the Year luncheon, who then represent Arkansas at the Southeastern Expo Farmer of the Year event in Georgia. 

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