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Nashville Primary School Car line procedure for the 2024-2025 school year

With school starting Monday in the Nashville School District, building principal Nathan Evans and assistant principal Miranda Serrano wants to let parents know about the car line procedures and they would encourage parents to follow these procedures to ensure the safety of all children.

During the morning drop off, all car riders must be dropped off in the car line. Parents may drop off their children beginning at 7:30 am. The bell will ring at 7:50.

Parents are asked not to walk students to the building or to their classrooms. Members of the Nashville Primary School staff will be available to help students find their classrooms.

However, if your student is tardy, you must sign him or her in at the building office.

During the afternoon pick up time, all car riders will be hand delivered to their car in the car line. Parents are asked not to park and walk up to pick up their student.

Parents are asked not to be in the parking lot before 2:15 pm nor any later than 3:15.

And, please do not check your child out early in the office just to avoid the traffic and congestion.

If there are any changes to your child’s transportation needs, notify the school by note or call the office by 2 pm. Without a phone call to the office or a note to the school, your student will be required to go their normal way home.

And remember, parents are to stay in their vehicle at all times during the drop-off and pick up times.

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