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Nashville Rotary host Club Service Project at the Howard County Library

The Rotary Club’s Service Project that took place at the Howard County Library was held on Tuesday. In partnership with the Howard County Library, the Rotary Club of Nashville purchased kits for the Howard County Library’s Maker Space. 

The total budgeted cost of the project was $1,200, with $500 coming from a grant from Rotary District 6170, and $700 coming from the Rotary Club of Nashville. The idea was shared with the club by librarian Nicole Eudy, who showed the club how to use doodler pens, one of the items purchased by the club. These pens allow students to create three-dimensional images, simulating three-dimensional printing technology.

Other items purchased by the club include a mechanical engineering kit, which allows students to build complicated motorized structures like cranes and cars, and a pneumatic engineering set, which allows them to build machines which use air to transmit power.

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