Nashville School Board approves budget for 2025-2026
Members of the Nashville School Board held their regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening.
Superintendent Doug Graham presented the proposed budget of expenditures with tax levy for fiscal year 2025-2026. According to Steven’s Ink the total school tax rate will be 31.70 mills on the dollar of the assessed value of taxable property located in the Nashville School District. This proposed school tax levy will include 25 mills specifically voted for general maintenance and operation and 6.70 mills voted for debt service and previously voted as a continuing levy pledged for the retirement of existing bonded indebtedness. There was a motion made by board members Nick Britt and seconded by David Hilliard to approve the proposed budget of expenditures for 2025-2026 as presented by Steven’s Ink. All were in favor of the motion.
During the Academic Report, Curriculum Coordinator Kim Slayton reported that the ESSA Scores are based on five factors, achievement, growth and English learner progress toward English language proficiency, graduation rate, school quality, and student success. This year Nashville Primary School scored a 67.46 a C, Nashville Elementary scored a 72.99 a B, Nashville Junior High 67.08 a C, and Nashville High School 64.77 a C.
Board members also approved a motion to hire NHS Teacher Megan Stanton as the Assistant Trap Shooting Coach for a stipend of $800 dollars and to accept the resignation of Todd Baxley as a Bus Driver. All were in favor of the motion.