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Nashville School Board approves CDARS proposal from Diamond Bank

The Nashville School Board meeting was held yesterday.

Superintendent Doug Graham reported that the new Bus Barn has been completed. He said that the buses were able to be parked underneath it and he is proud of how the building looks.

Graham presented a proposal from Diamond Bank called CDARS. He stated that the school has 3.5 million dollars in CDs and instead of Diamond having to pledge the securities of every 250,000 dollars every month to make sure the school is secured, Diamond is willing to invest in one of their programs by taking the district’s money and invest it in other banks. The benefit to the school is Diamond Bank is offering to pay the district a higher interest rate. All of the Nashville School Board members were in favor of the proposal.

Graham mentioned the roofing issues at the ABC School and the Nashville Auditorium when it rains. So Graham made another recommendation to accept Kirk Roofing’s bid on repairing the roof at the ABC School and the Nashville Auditorium.  The total cost for this project will be $241,663.86. All were in favor of the proposal. 

Graham also discussed giving bus drivers a pay raise of $2 effective immediately. Instead of the regular route bus drivers making $15.76 an hour, they will be making $17.76 an hour. Substitute bus drivers will be making the same as regular route drivers. Graham also increased the activity driver pay rate to $15.00.

There was a 5 and 0 vote. 

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