Nashville School Staff To Work On AMI Assignments
School districts in Arkansas remain closed through the middle of next month. Nashville School superintendent Doug Graham said staff will report back to work today following last week’s spring break.
District personnel will work on the AMI assignments for this week. Staff will will report in groups of ten or fewer.
At Nashville Primary School, principal Nathan Evans says packets will be handed out every Tuesday, beginning tomorrow, from 8:00 AM – noon. Staff will be stationed at designated spots around the parking areas. Parents are asked to remain in their vehicle. The staff will ask for the child’s name and name of their teacher. The new packet will be brought to the vehicle and the previous week’s work collected. If parents are sick, they should arrange for someone else to go through the line.
Kindergarten and first grade parents should follow the route through the bus side parking lot. Second and third grade parents will follow the route through the school’s normal drop off/pickup lanes near the front entrance of the building.