Ouachita National Forest Proposing New Fee at Little Missouri Falls
The Ouachita National Forest, in Arkansas, is proposing to charge new fees at two recreation sites: Little Missouri Falls Day Use Site and Wolf Pen Gap Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Trail Complex. These sites have had additional amenities added to improve services and experiences. Fees are assessed based on the level of amenities and service provided, cost of operation and maintenance, market assessment, and public comment. Funds from fees would be used for the continued operation and maintenance of these recreation sites. Improvements have been made to the picnicking area at Little Missouri Falls Day Use Site and a new access bridge, with new hardened trail surface, has been installed to allow visitors easier access down to the unique geological features and small wading pools below the series of waterfalls along the Little Missouri River. The proposed new fees to help maintain the Little Missouri Falls Day Use Site would be: $5.00 per motorized vehicle, to include OHV/ATV riders.
Submit comments about these fee proposals by February 1, 2020, so comments can be compiled, analyzed and shared with the Recreation Resource Advisory Committee. New fees would begin March 1, 2021.