Murfreesboro New City Hall Nearing Completion

Monday night, members of the Murfreesboro City Council met during their regular monthly meeting.
Mayor Rodney Fagan reported Branch Construction had finished the flooring project at the new City Hall building at 805 North Washington Street. Council members voted to issue a check in the amount of $16,512 from the city’s general account instead of borrowing the funds from the city’s draw loan at First State Bank.
Fagan presented two bids for converting the current lighting system to a LED lighting system. After reviewing the bids, the council encouraged Fagan to followup with a representative from AEP/Swepco to discuss the differences.
Council members asked Mayor Fagan to seek a second bid for the signage at the new city hall building. They also want a bid changing the size of the letters from 10-inch to 8-inch.
Council members approved increasing a memorandum for the Murfreesboro Sr. Adult Center to $2,000. Fagan stated the city had been providing the center with $1,500 a year for several years, but due to the increase in fuel and supplies, he requested an increase.
Council members also approved a resolution to support House Joint Resolution 1018 of 2019.
House Joint Resolution 1018 of 2019 proposes an amendment to the Arkansas Constitution, which will continue to levy a one-half percent sales and use tax for the maintenance of state highways and bridges, including county roads, bridges and city streets.
The next meeting of the Murfreesboro City Council will be held in the new building at 805 North Washington Street and the public is invited to attend.