Local News

Pilgrims Taking Donations for Tornado Victims

Amidst the chaos and devastation brought on last weekend by the tornado that made its way across several states many have stepped up to be neighbors to those in need. Doing that in our own town is Pilgrims. Cody Gallagher with Pilgrims said, in an interview, that the need is great for those affected by this disaster. 

In an effort to do so Gallagher said that new or gently used items are being requested such as clothing and toys. Being a week before Christmas many have found themselves having lost absolutely everything. 

Donations will be accepted through Friday at noon but Gallagher says if you need to make special arrangements to call the HR department in De Queen so they set that up.

Here in Nashville donations can be brought to the Pilgrims office at 1600 S. 4th Street.

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