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Howard Memorial Hospital selected as top 100 critical access hospital in the U.S.

Tuesday, Board Members of Howard Memorial Hospital held their regular monthly meeting.

There was a motion made by board members Tem Gunter and Dr. Carla Pumphrey to approve the Rehab Department to proceed with the purchase of a Hausmann Bariatric Hi-Lo Mat Platform, which is a regular table/bed and a Traction Table, decompression equipment. These capital budget items were presented by the Director of Rehab, Physical Therapist Paul Cox. Cox explained to the board that the Traction Table they currently have is 30 years old and it would be better to purchase a new one. Cox stated that he received a quote from one of the vendors and these items were approximately $20,436 dollars. All were in favor of the purchase.

CFO Bill Craig explained to the board the financial snapshot for the month of March. According to his report, collectible revenue from patient services is $120,465 below budget and there was a shortfall in volume which was 3 out 4 high-level indicators. One of the expense factors were operating costs which were $197,735 above budget. Craig stated that he applied for two grants with FEMA, a small grant in the amount of $60,000 and a large grant in the amount of $243,000. Receipts (excluding Clinics) collected were $3,211,106.

During the meeting, CEO Debra Wright talked about Howard Memorial Hospital being selected as one of the top 100 critical access hospitals in the United States. HMH’s latest performance summary index rank was 98.6. Wright said that HMH was honored in 2013 and is planning a celebration to thank everyone who was responsible for this honor. 

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