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NHS Tennis Team Recognized during Nashville School Board Meeting

Monday during the Nashville School Board’s regular monthly meeting, Superintendent Doug Graham made a recommendation to the board to adjust the school calendar for next year due to the Solar Eclipse that will take place on April 8th. Instead of the last day of school being on May 23rd, it will be May 24th. 

There was a motion made by board members Jamar Finley and seconded by Jerry Wilson to adjust the school calendar as presented by Supt. Graham.

Graham also took a moment to recognize the Nashville High School Tennis Team along with mentioning how well they’ve done this season. 

Graham said that he is still looking at the school calendars and weighing the pros and cons of a 4-day school. Graham stated that he is waiting on the data to see if the neighboring school districts, that are currently on the 4-day week, letter grades are going up or down and he’s looking into other options that will help with attendance, test scores, and that will prevent teachers and students from being burned out.

In conclusion, the board decided to have the next board meeting on November 16th. 

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