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Nashville Rotary Club hosts LifeShare Blood Drive

Last Wednesday, the Nashville Rotary Club hosted a LifeShare Blood Center blood drive on Main Street from 10 am to 12:10 pm.

Rotary president Nick Birmingham reported that the club almost met their donation goal.

Vice-president Andrew Westfall informed Rotarians that someone needs blood every two second. He said cancer patients are the main recipients of blood donations followed by heart patients, burn victims, accident victims and liver and kidney disease patients.

He also mentioned people with O negative blood type are universal donors because patients with any blood type can receive O negative blood and people with AB positive blood type can receive blood from any other blood type. 

Westfall stated O positive is the most common blood type, while AB negative is the rarest. But, the rarest blood type is the blood that’s not on the shelf when its needed.

He said LifeShare Blood Centers use approximately 500 units of blood a day to meet patient needs. One blood donation can save three lives.

Westfall said the most common reason people don’t donate is they are to busy and the main reason people donate is because they care about others.

One Rotarian stated that he has been told that Arkansas is one of the most generous states in the country when it comes to donating monetarily, but one of the stingiest when it comes to donating blood.

Join the members of the Nashville Rotary Club and become a blood donor. 

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