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Pike County Quorum Court votes to purchase AWIN radios with grant money

The Pike County Quorum met Tuesday night for their regular monthly meeting.
Justices of the Peace approved a motion to continue with Robert’s Rules of Order as meeting procedure along with keeping meeting dates and times the same as in past years. 
As of December 2022 County General had a beginning balance of $1,762,145.58 and an ending balance of $2,335,420.81. County Road had a beginning balance of $788,890.35 and an ending balance of $743,166.62. Landfill had a beginning balance of $910,122.09 and an ending balance of $944,249.35. There was an 8 to 0 vote to accept the treasurer’s report.
Justices of the Peace also approved a motion to nominate Justice Johnny Plyer to be a quorum court delegate to serve on the 75 member governing body.
Coordinator Lee Vincent made a proposal to the Quorum to purchase AWIN Radios through a state grant. The AWIN Radios would allow Police and Emergency Responders to talk statewide on a county frequency. Vincent stated that the grant was a 75% state funded grant with the county matching the remaining 25% with funds held in the LATC Fund. If the quote that Vincent received is approved by the quorum that would leave the county funding approximately $35,500.
Justice Paul Baker made a motion to approve the grant proposal using needed funds from the LATC Fund. The motion was seconded by Justice Robbie Crocker and the motion was passed with an 8 to 0 vote.

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